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Past Clients

Proud to Be Serving San Francisco

Rothmann Law takes great pride in providing local, high quality, personalized representation that satisfies my clients’ specific legal needs. I have had the pleasure of representing some of the leading community members, businesses and personalities in San Francisco. Meet a few of the people behind successful Rothmann Law cases.

Client 6

Rothmann Law Client

Another Satisfied Client

Rothmann Law successfully represented Rothmann Law Client in a particularly complex legal case. I guided Rothmann Law Client throughout the challenging legal procedures, resulting in a positive outcome.

Client 5

Rothmann Law Client

Another Satisfied Client

Rothmann Law provided Rothmann Law Client with my expertise and, in the process, saved significant costs while securing a positive legal result.

Client 3

Rothmann Law Client

Another Satisfied Client

Jordan Doe guided Rothmann Law Client through challenging legal circumstances and successfully turned a potentially negative outcome into a positive one.

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